1. Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes: ( general )
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes, internationally renowned for educational programs and research, has pioneered instructional models to develop the sensory-cognitive processes that underlie reading, spelling, comprehension, critical thinking, and math. Lindamood-Bell® Learning Centers provide one-on-one instruction using our groundbreaking instructional methods; Lindamood-Bell® Professional Development offers workshops for educators, and also provides a comprehensive school/district-wide model to develop language and literacy skills.
2. Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes: ( Learning Centers )
Lindamood-Bell® Learning Centers provide individualized instruction for children and adults, ranging from severely learning disabled to academically gifted. In our centers we often see children and adults previously diagnosed with various disorders or learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, hyperlexia, ADD, ADHD, CAPD, Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Developmental Delay, etc. Lindamood-Bell’s instruction is always based on a thorough and comprehensive diagnostic evaluation which measures oral vocabulary, oral language, comprehension, visual memory, oral directions, phonemic awareness, word attack, work recognition, reading comprehension, spelling, and math. After intensive instruction at a Lindamood-Bell® Learning Center, a student can make reading gains of two to four year in as little as six to eight weeks.
3. Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes ( For schools )
Lindamood-Bell offers professional development that begins with our Lindamood-Bell® Workshops and can extend into comprehensive partnerships. The programs authored by the founders and directors of Lindamood-Bell are research-based programs that address the five components of scientifically-based reading instruction: phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Genuine Lindamood-Bell® Professional Development Workshops for educators will introduce the steps of the following programs:
Visualizing and Verbalizing®
Seeing Stars®
Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing®
On Cloud Nine® Math
Lindamood-Bell® School Partnerships prepare, mentor and support teachers in their efforts to teach reading, spelling and comprehension. We partner with schools to implement a comprehensive Professional Learning Community based on extensive professional development and mentoring in a collaborative environment. Lindamood-Bell’s successful partnerships are not merely a “program” that is implemented. We provide a comprehensive model of:
1) sustained professional development in intensively research-based instructional methodologies for language and literacy development.
2) diagnosis and differentiated instruction processes to specifically meet student needs in language and literacy processing.
3) data management, analysis and reporting for accountability.
4) customized learning environments including a professional learning community for leaders and teaching professionals and classroom and small group instruction opportunities for children. Numerous mandates under the ARRA school stimulus fundings and NCLB law can be met or exceeded with a Lindamood-Bell® school partnership.
More Information:
Official Website: http://www.lindamoodbell.com
Added by lindamoodbell on May 26, 2009