Learnapalooza DC: Call for Classes (and Space)
Learnapalooza DC is a first-of-its-kind community organized event happening on Saturday, April 28. Businesses, homes, and community centers in Adams Morgan, U St, Dupont, and Columbia Heights will open their doors to hold short "classes" on every topic under the sun -- from "3 Basic Yoga Poses", to "How to Change a Bike Tire", to "10 Words in Farsi", to "First-Hand Columbia Heights History", to "Be a YouTube Star", to "Proper Shoe Shine Technique". It's a chance to show off what you know (dig deep, we all know
something), learn from your neighbors, and strengthen our community.
Sounds fun, doesn't it? We thought so, too.
This is truly a community organized event. Ahem, that means you! We've just put up a simple sign-up form on the website, and we're looking for a few "early adopters" to sign up to host a class. Imagine... if you own an antique store, you could offer a class there on how to tell a real antique from a fake.
Businesses: This will mean extra foot traffic on April 28, and (esp. for the early adopters) potentially some great press in between. There will also be opportunities to host entertainment or be a stop on a kick-off pub crawl.
Community Groups: Here's a chance for your members to shine and meet new neighbors. If you are part of a neighborhood association, or provide services to a local community ( e.g. seniors, or single moms, or Unitarians, or whoever), or belong to a formal or informal local group (e.g. the farmers' market, or a knitting circle, or a sustainable business council)... consider getting involved in the planning. Email us at info@learnapaloozadc.com and we'll loop you in.
This is shaping up to be a really fun and exciting event.
Don't miss out -- get involved!
Official Website: http://www.learnapaloozadc.com
Added by ghina on March 1, 2007