21 David G. Mugar Way
Boston, Massachusetts 02114

Windfest: Try a new challenging fun sport - windsurfing. Phone CBI at 617-523-1038 to book a lesson or, if you can windsurf, to reserve your time slot. Event is free to members, $10 to non-members. The windfest class program starts every thirty minutes. It includes a teaching video, on land simulator training and on-the-water teaching. This lesson takes about an hour. Bring a change of clothing - you will get wet! Sneakers or similar secure footwear mandatory. You need to be 16 or older. For more information, and our junior program, click on www.sailcbi.org or email Windsurf@Priebatsch.com Easy access via the T. Located on the Charles River Esplanade Basin, Boston. $6.00 parking, see our website.


Official Website: http://www.sailcbi.org/

Added by FullCalendar on May 24, 2009

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