670 Smith St.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Learn to Use the Social Media Tools that can grow your Business

* Have you been "Friended" on Facebook
* Are you "making connections" on LinkedIn
* Or are you "tweeting" on Twitter.

Chances are if you are not Linked In your competition probably is!

Some might view social media marketing as a royal waste of time. Others view it as a gold mine and still others spend countless hours "twittering" away but what do they really accomplish.

* Can social media marketing be profitable?
* What are these social sites and how can I really use them?
* I don't have time for all these sites... and can find better things to do than chat online!

If you are not using social media in some way you are missing a large portion of your market and traffic to your website. Once person in our training recently discovered that he was getting 70,000 visits per month to his site from StumbleUpon (a social bookmarking site). Younger audiences are into social media, the communal "friendship" feel captures our attention. If you want to begin capturing the attention of a younger audience and foster friendships that will turn into business then this social media stuff is for you.

Special Bonus for Our Social Media Training!

Register for our social media training and we will let you Bring a Friend for Free!

Cost: $200 + Plus a friend can come for free

What will you learn in the Training?

* What makes a site a Social Media Site
* How to Pick and Choose which sites to get involved with
* Guided Tour of the some of the Top Sites.

What Social Media Sites will Guide You Through?

* Guided Tour of Facebook - Social Aspects + the Marketing Potential
* Guided Tour of Twitter - What is it and How to Use it!
* Guided Tour of LinkedIn - Is it the Facebook for professionals?
* A look at some of the most popular Social Bookmarking Sites

Who is the Facebook Training & Social Media Training for?

* The Committed - those using social media but ready to actually see a return on their time investment
* The Curious - Those who say, "I've heard about "Facebook" but I'm not sure about it.
* The Skeptical - "Twitter is really fun - but it seems like a total waste of time!"
* The Clueless - "Facebook..Twitter...what are you talking about

Grab a Friend - Register for the Training and start seeing streams of new traffic sources opened up to your website!

Official Website: http://www.reachd.com/training/social

Added by RodneySEO on August 13, 2008

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