Atlanta, Georgia

UPCOMING TRAINING DATES: Whether you simply want to enhance your own leadership skills or become a certified Cuddle Party Facilitator, join us for one of our upcoming training weekends:
• Jan 16-18, 2009 in Atlanta (Area) GA (Registration open until Dec 28)
• Feb 6-8, 2009 in Melbourne (Area) Australia (Registration open until Jan 15)
• Mar 27-29, 2009 in San Francisco, CA (Registration open until Mar 6)
• Apr 24-26, 2009 in New York, NY (Registration open until Apr 3)

Foundations of Facilitation Training is a weekend-long intensive program designed to provide you with the skills you need to create powerful, transformative workshops. Created by the inventors of Cuddle Party, this training will provide you with the tools you need to enhance your confidence, create new depth to your presentations, and improve your ability to create relatedness with just about anyone. Whether you are new to running events for groups, or have been facilitating for years, this interactive, hands-on training has much to offer.

Over the course of the weekend, you will
learn how to:
• create safe, non-sexual space to explore intimacy on both a personal and professional level
• lead workshops that leave your participants feeling touched, open, valued and nurtured
• generate an environment where women and men communicate more authentically
• listen profoundly
• create a powerful relatedness with strangers quickly and easily be more open to others and able to give and receive comfortably
• create strong boundaries for yourself without shutting others down

You will also learn:
• tools for building a strong, intimate community
• advanced tools for handling rejection
• communication techniques that open people up to discuss intimacy, desires, fears and needs

Foundations of Facilitation is consistently rated as one of the best training workshops available by our participants… and they know workshops!

• “Of all the workshops I’ve attended, the [Foundations of Facilitation] Training has given me the most practical and useful tools to create and maintain direct, open and honest communication with EVERYONE in my life DAILY.” — Tracy, Alabama

Most training weekends of this kind cost nearly a $1000. The Foundations of Facilitation training is only $495.

Not only that, but we guarantee your satisfaction, or your money back!



REiD Mihalko
Sex and Relationship Educator, Co-creator of Cuddle Party and Speed-Flirting
email: reid@reidaboutsex.com cell: 917.207.4554 PO Box 1127, NY, NY 10021
www.reidaboutsex.com * www.speed-flirting.com * www.cuddleparty.com
Cuddle Party is a registered trademark of Atlas Spooned
Speed-Flirting is © and ™ of Reid Mihalko

Holiday Sale: 5-Week Downloadable Workshop Design Class – Pimp My Design!
Save $100 and Get a FREE 60-Minute Workshop Design Coaching Call!
Jan. 16th – 18th Learn To Facilitate Intimate Workshops Like The Pros – Atlanta, GA
Feb. 6th – 8th Learn To Facilitate Intimate Workshops Like The Pros – Melbourne, Australia
Mar. 27th – 29th Learn To Facilitate Intimate Workshops Like The Pros – San Francisco, CA
Apr. 24th – 26th Learn To Facilitate Intimate Workshops Like The Pros – New York, NY
May 25th Dildos, Dental Dams, and Deep Throating – San Diego, CA
May 26th Speed Flirting – San Diego, CA
May 27th Cuddle Party – San Diego, CA
May 28th Romance For The Rest of Us Workshop – San Diego, CA
May 29th – 31st Foundations of Free Love Retreat – San Diego, CA

Added by kalidas1 on December 11, 2008

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