32 colton st (Gough)
San Francisco, California 94103

You got nothing to do at lunch and you don't feel like consuming calories?

We recommend you burn some...

Yes, salsa dance is taught during your lunch hour!

Our dance instructors will 'coach' you along your new friends.

This is a fun and relaxed way to get acquainted with your new friends every Wednesday

Dance. Practice. Meet. Mingle. And have the most fun learning to dance.

Instead of consuming calories at lunch, you are burning calories!

It's Salsa dance basic training at lunch time. Yes, it's on your lunch hour!

Important Note: No high heels allowed

When: Every Wednesday @ 12-1 PM Noontime

Location: City Dance Studio, 32 Colton st (by Gough st.), SF, CA - Mission District Area

Websites: www.citydance.org, www.dance2success.com

Cost: $10.00 (City Govt Employees $8.00 Only)

For More Info: Email Dancelesson@rodchata.com or call (415) 577-0212

Official Website: http://www.dance2success.com

Added by Infofreak on November 11, 2007

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