New Trends In Personal Empowerment
Chi Kung : Is a practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing, and meditation. It is the foundation for all martial arts and energy work.ᅠ It is also the vital force believed in Taoism to be inherent in all things. Master Quinn teaches this in her Qigong classes.
Chi Walking:ᅠ Improves walking and makes it easier through proper body alignment and injury-prevention techniques. ᅠChi Walking gives you a powerful sense of balance and stability, while teaching you to relax and conserve energy at any walking speed.
Chi Balancing: The unimpeded circulation of chi and a balance of its negative and positive forms in the body are held to be essential to good health in traditional Chinese Medicine.
Three Experts Teach New Ways to Energize Your Exercise and Empower Your Daily Life: Hazel Wood, Dr. Khaleghl Quinn, Ph.D., Linda Cipolla
What you will learn with Chi Kung:
* Access vitality from three realms
* How to convert stress into more energy
* Grounding
What you will learn with Chi Walking:
* Posture and alignment while walking
* Engaging your core
* Body sensing to move with ease
* How to prevent impact to knees, hips, back
* How to use your core muscles for propulsion instead of over using your legs
What you will learn with Chiᅠ Balancing
* Develop and further strengthen your Wei Chi (protective/out in the world nourishing chi).
* Learn how to distinguish your energy from those around you
* Calming and relaxing under stressful situations
This comprehensive workshop will teach you how to create the conditions for your energy to flow. ᅠYou'll discover how simple moves and awareness bring more energy and life to every step you take and every decision you make.ᅠ Learn to feel the power of the Chi that is within us and that immediately surrounds us - it is there for us to use at any time!
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on April 17, 2012