87 Lafayette Street
New York City, New York 10013

PRO TOOLS Workshop:

Pro-Tools is the industry standard for audio recording & editing. This workshop will give you hands-on access to a professional Pro-Tools Room, and will teach you the basics of recording voiceover & narration, audio mixing & sweetening, and how to integrate your Pro-Tools project with Final Cut Pro/AVID.

• Multi-Session Weekend (Choose a pair):

Session A: (Choose 1)

Sat 10/28; 11:00am-2:00pm or
Sun 10/29; 11:00am-2:00pm

Session B: (Choose 1)

Sun 10/29; 2:30pm-5:30pm or
Mon 10/30; 6:30pm-9:30pm

Price: $250/DCTV Members; $280/Non-Members

Placement is limited,
Call 212-966-4510 x246 to sign-up today!

Official Website: http://www.dctvny.org

Added by publicity@dctvny.org on September 29, 2006