18271 McDurmott West
Irvine, California 92614

In the fun and experiential course you will learn how to dowse energy and use a pendulum in such a way, that your life will never be the same. In Europe dowsing is known as “ Bio-Location”. Using the tools and energy of a life map you will learn how to uplift energy, shift imprints from the land, and broadcast your intentions to create a life well lived
Dr. Janet Woods has made a career out of blending ancient wisdom with modern style. She started studying Feng Shui in the early 90's, before it became mainstream and fashionable. Now she shares little known Feng Shui secrets that work in positive and powerful ways
Cost $20.00 Material Fee $15.00
(Booklet, Broadcaster, Pendulum)

Added by Drjanet Woods on September 26, 2012

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