Learn to use iWork Numbers to create, edit, format and print spreadsheets from scratch or from a template. It’s like Excel but in many, characteristically Apple ways, easier. Open and save to Excel documents, drag and drop pictures and fill text blocks to format your spreadsheet.
Numbers '09 if now available for your desktop or laptop from the Apple app store for download at $14.99 or for your iPad for $10. BUT Numbers 'll is rumored to be out very soon so download the TRIAL version instead if you don't have it yet.
Cost: the first 30 – 45 minutes are a free overview demonstration followed by a $5 hands-on skill building workshop
REGISTER at: http://bit.ly/HMAUS-iMovie-Numbers
Presented by HMAUS, the Hawaii Macintosh and Apple Users' Society, the Oahu Apple Users Group.
Added by jomats on February 8, 2011