Meet The Vloggers
Friday, December 9th
----/ Event Description /-----------------------------------------------
Join us in Los Angeles to find out what videoblogging is all about!
You'll meet some amazing people who are already videoblogging, learn how to do it yourself, learn where you can find videoblogs on the Internet and much more!
MEET THE VLOGGERS is a series of presentations and events focused on videoblogging/videopodcasting. We see these events happening all over the world, getting more and more people involved in this wonderful form of grass roots media.
Videoblogging/Videopodcasting is a new form of expression centering around posting videos to a website, providing a subscription service, and encouraging an audience response. It is the next step from text blogging and audio podcasting.
A community of artists, video editors, podcasters, bloggers, documentarians, and software developers has formed around this new mode of communication. We are a group of people who use videos as a normal part of our blogging and we would aim to teach others how to do the same.
----/ Venue Info /------------------------------------------------------
Apple Store
189 The Grove Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Added by karmagrrrl on December 9, 2005