1375 N Cassady Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43219

At Nouveau Riche Real Estate Investment College you will learn how to become a successful real estate investor. Are you a seasoned real estate investor or just simply looking for a way to create wealth? Do you prefer to study independently, at your own pace or do you enjoy hands-on learning and instructor interaction?

Whatever it may be, if you want to LEARN the way to EARN a six to seven figure income…Nouveau Riche is the KEY and we have the perfect program for you!

Nouveau Riche provides world-class, real estate investing education, tailored to meet the needs of students with various backgrounds and experience levels. The Nouveau Riche Real Estate Investment College, S.E.E.K. (Super Entrepreneurial Encyclopedia of Knowledge)™, and our Coaching are the fundamental elements of the Nouveau Riche learning experience.

To register for this life changing event go to
Call Fred Conley at 614-622-0307 or
Email at AConleys@yahoo.com

Added by aconleys on April 20, 2009

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