Every Dot Connects colleagues Connie Reece and Sheila Scarborough are teaching a hands-on, no fear, entry-level workshop. You'll learn the basics for five Web 2.0/social media tools that can improve your personal and professional life:
1. How to participate in the blogosphere, and how to find the good blogs.
2. How to keep track of all that good information with RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
3. How to find all of those interesting people on Twitter
4. How to find the good job connections on LinkedIn
5. Number five will be picked by the class members: how to do something useful on YouTube (besides look for old Van Halen videos) OR how to use Creative Commons Flickr photos OR how to upload audio to Utterz from your cell phone.
Use your major credit card to register online through Eventbrite. When you register, we will ask for your input on topic number five plus a few questions on your own Web 2.0 background, so that the workshop is focused at the right level. We are limiting class size to 25 people, for the most personalized interaction. Lunch is included.
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/118371051
Added by Sheila Scarborough on May 22, 2008