222 Yale Avenue North
Seattle, Washington 98109

Learn How to Get Seen, Heard and Celebrated in Your Own Backyard and Beyond with the Power of Do-It-Yourself Publicity.

Bellevue-Based Publicist, Media-Savvy-to-Go Newspaper Columnist, and Media-Savvy-to-Go Publicity Toolkit Author Nancy S. Juetten will share time tested and proven do-it-yourself publicity tips and insider information to empower event guests to build the buzz for their growing businesses.

If you are a success and publicity-seeking business owner eager to catapult your business from obscurity to the media spotlight in short order without spending a fortune or spinning your wheels, this event is for you!

You will learn:

*The deadly sins of media relations and why you should avoid them
*The right ways to capture the attention of editors and reporters
*Nancy's best bang-for-the-effort tactics that require few if any bucks

If you have any burning questions please email Nancy at nancy@nsjmktg.com and she will answer them in her presentation!

SPECIAL BONUS: Event guests will receive their own copies of the Media-Savvy-to-Go Publicity Tips Booklets, offering 147 powerful, proven ways to get seen, heard, and celebrated in their own backyard ... and beyond!

$15 for pre-registration; $20 at the door.

Official Website: http://www.pugetsoundcoaches.org

Added by FullCalendar on December 31, 2008

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