116th street and Broadway
New York City, New York

Debian Day will take place from 10 AM to 6:40 PM on Sunday, August 1, 2010 at Columbia University, New York City, New York. After ten editions in nine different countries spanning four continents, and for the first time in the United States, the Debian project is holding their annual Debian Developer conference, DebConf, at Columbia University in New York City. DebConf includes Debian Day, when it opens its doors to the general public. Debian Day kicks off DebConf, is free of charge, and open for everybody interested in Free Software. During this event, there will be a full day of talks on several subjects such as free software in government, design and free software, free software advocacy as well as string of talks about the Debian project and operating system. The Debian Project is an association of individuals who have made common cause to create a free and open operating system. This operating system that we have been creating is called Debian GNU/Linux, or simply Debian for short. Every year, DebConf allows new and existing Debian project participants from around the world to assemble, share knowledge and ideas, make collaborative contributions to Debian, build tighter community bonds and improve communication within the project. We would love to see you join us at Debian Day. Registration is required but is free. To register, please send an email with intent to attend to: debianday@debconf.org If you are registered for DebConf, you do not need to register for Debian Day.

Official Website: http://debconf10.debconf.org/debianday.xhtml

Added by harbenschnicka on July 21, 2010

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