Is this PowerRoundtable sold out? You can get on our wait list by emailing
info@theexecutiveroundtable.ca. A member of our team will be in touch.
The Executive Roundtable and our program partners, Leadership Insight, proudly present:
Leading Through Influence
Do you rely on the actions of others to get drive your teams results? Are youleading a cost-centre andbeing challenged to convince others that your mandate needs more funding? There's no doubt that influence and persuasion are two of the most important tools in any executive's repertoire.
Join us on May 6th and add some new tools to your leadership kit bag when, along with our seasoned executive panelists, we explore how to make things happen when influence is all you have.
Our panelists with opinions include:
Robert (Bob) Canuel, Vice President of Human Resources, Hallmark Canada
Nadine Gilchrist, Vice President, Corporate & Credit Risk Policy in Enterprise Risk and Portfolio Management, BMO
Elisabeth Ross, CEO, Ovarian Cancer Canada
Registration fees include breakfast, learning journal and networking listing.
Register onlinenow or call Glain Roberts-McCabeat 416 915.3152 to pay by cheque.
Not your usual executive event, PowerRoundtable's give you up close and interactive access to our panelists. So, bring your questions... and opinions... and get ready to get interactive!
3panelists +15 attendees = Real discussion
Organized by The Executive Roundtable Inc.Canada's first mentoring-based organization exclusively for high performing mid-career leaders.
Ticket Info: - Member, C$79.00
- Non-Member, C$99.00
Official Website: http://powerroundtableinfluence-upcoming.eventbrite.com