Managing the Four Generations
Found in Todays Workplace
Todays organizations can consist of up to four generations from Baby Boomers to Generation Y. As a successful leader, you are tasked with educating and stimulating positive interaction between each generation working for your organization. This highly interactive workshop will provide you with the strategies for dealing with recruiting, retaining and motivating these four generations to dramatically reduce conflict and provide a positive working environment.
Topics to be discussed include:
Values and the four generations
How t to gain an edge when collaborating in the workplace
Encourage clear communications and lessen misunderstandings
Generational context is not about age, but common experiences.
Different generations approach to the same problem.
Assess your team members' affinity level before making communication assumptions
Organized by Professional Consultant Services, Inc.A Professional Consultancy Services firm.>
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Dial: 866-413-4103 for more information
Ticket Info: Participant, $30.99
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/282071684/upcoming