Is this PowerRoundtable sold out? You can get on our wait list by emailing
info@theexecutiveroundtable.ca. A member of our team will be in touch.
The Executive Roundtable and our program partners, Leadership Insight, proudly present:
Leadership Lessons They Don't Teach in School
Leadershipsounds so easy in the text book, but the realityisyou don't know, what you don't know... and sometimes what's supposed to work in theory ends up blowing up in practice!
Join our executive panelists who share their "hindsight 20/20" insights on what they've learned along their respectivejourneys.
Our panelists with opinions include:
Ron Close, Entrepreneur in Residence at both The Richard Ivey School of Business and MaRS Discovery District and past co-founder and CEO of Netcom Canada
Ethel Taylor, President and CEO, Black's Photography
Chris Carder, President and Co-Founder, ThinData
Registration fees include breakfast, learning journal and networking listing.
Register onlinenow or call Glain Roberts-McCabeat 416 915.3152 to pay by cheque.
Not your usual executive event, PowerRoundtable's give you up close and interactive access to our panelists. So, bring your questions... and opinions... and get ready to get interactive!
3panelists +15 attendees = Real discussion
Organized by The Executive Roundtable Inc.Canada's first mentoring-based organization exclusively for high performing mid-career leaders.
Ticket Info: - Member, C$79.00
- Non-Member, C$99.00
Official Website: http://powerroundtablelessons-upcoming.eventbrite.com