155 N. 35th St.
Seattle, Washington 98103

Taste and explore 100’s of wines from the finest wineries in the pacific northwest and around the world, including: Glaetzer Wines, Joseph Phelps, Leonetti, Betz Family Winery, Domaine Serene, and more. Attend a special VIP Party featuring Chris Figgins of Leonetti Cellar. Lead sommelier, Lisa Rongren of John Howie Steak (formerly with The Herbfarm), cuisine by Lisa Dupar catering, and a fun after party with dancing. Live and silent auctions support Overlake Service League’s Breaktime/Mealtime program which provides food for low-income children in Bellevue schools.

Official Website: http://www.overlakeserviceleague.org/html/wine/2010/wineattend.html

Added by overlakeserviceleague on September 8, 2010

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