57 Post Street
San Francisco, California 94104

(Café opens at 7:00 pm)

Le Jazz Hot
Holiday Concert

This festive concert with the Hot Club of San Francisco features music from their sizzling new CD called, Hot Club Cool Yule, the band's first recording of holiday tunes played in the 1930's gypsy jazz style of Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli. With band leader guitarist Paul Mehling, violinist Evan Price, Jeff Magidson and Jason Vanderford on twin rhythm guitars, and bassist Clint Baker, this rousing quintet promises a wild and wonderful evening to elevate your spirits with cheeky to tender "holiday chestnuts" and their ecstatically swinging jazz. Be ready to jive!

For reservations call 415-393-0100
or email at rsvp@milibrary.org

Official Website: http://www.milibrary.org/eventsall.html#13

Added by Pamela Troy on November 10, 2009