May 15, 2009
6:00 pm
Socializing at Vernon Community Center
Vernon, Alabama
May 16, 2009
6:00 pm
Annual Scholarship Banquet
South Lamar School
Millport, Alabama
A non-profit organization organized to award scholarships and
certificates of merit to outstanding students who are descendants of
former students and faculty members of Lamar County Training School and
Todd High School.
To issue awards and certificates of recognition to teachers and former
teachers and to other outstanding citizens.
To preserve and maintain the dignity and educational heritage of Lamar
County Training School and Todd High School.
To Promote love and understanding among club members and among all
To inspire and encourage students of Lamar County in particular, to
develop to their fullest potential, because students of today are the
leaders of tomorrow.
205 409-4110
Biographical Sketch of Lamar County Training School/
Todd High School (1928 1969)
The educational school system in Lamar County began late in the 1800s
or early in the 1900s. One room schoolhouse was in existence
throughout the county. Their basic curriculum was the 3 Rs, reading,
writing, and arithmetic.
In 1928 Ms. R. Todd and her sister Ms. Z Todd came to Lamar County as
educators. Ms R. Todd came as Supervisor of Instructions in the
The Todd sisters came to Lamar County with a vision to help meet the
needs of the Black citizens of the county. Not only were they concerned
about educational system here, but also the social and economical
system. As the children began to learn and advance in their studies, it
became apparent that the Black students needed a greater challenge,
they needed a high school.
Ms. Ruby being the visionary that she was petitioning the Alabama State
Department to be granted licenses to begin a high school.
In 1935 the license was granted and the school known as Lamar County
Training School, it was the youngest Training School in the state.
In 1936 the L C T S held its first graduating exercise, with eight
In 1937 a Vocational Building was erected.
In 1938 a Science room was added.
In 1940 a new dormitory was constructed for women teachers and boarding
In 1941 a new three-room elementary school was added. Along with hot
and cold running water for the Home Economic Department. This
department was used as a canning center to supply canned foods for the
school lunchroom throughout the county.
In 1962 a new high school was built, and LCTS was renamed to Todd High.
Todd High continued to operate until 1969 when segregation became
Ticket Info: - Adult, $51.25
- Student, $10.99
- Late Registration, $76.88
- Scholarship Donation, Free
- Todd Bust, Free
Official Website: http://lctsthsinc09-upcoming.eventbrite.com