The Lawyers' Club of San FranciscopresentsThe 62nd Annual California Supreme Court Luncheon Recognizing LAW DAYHonoring the Supreme Court Justices of California
Remarks by Ronald M. George, Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court
Principle Speaker Dr. Tom Campbell
Special Honorees Honorable Rose Elizabeth, Justice Joseph Grodin and Justice Cruz Reynoso
Corporate & MediaSponsorsLexisNexisRapid LegalThe Recorder/Cal LawPlaintiff Magazine
Event Co-SponsorsBAR ASSOCIATION OF SAN FRANCISCOAsian Law CaucusState Bar of California Executive Committee of the Litigation Section Korean American Bar Association of Northern The Lawyers' Club of San Francisco's Inn of CourtQueen's Bench Bar AssociationSan Francisco La Raza Lawyers AssociationSouth Asian Bar Association of Northern California St. Thomas More Society
The Lawyers' Club of San Francisco's 62nd Annual California Supreme Court Luncheon RecognizingLAW DAY Remarks byRonald M. George, Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court Principle SpeakerDr. Tom Campbell Special Honorees Justice Joseph Grodin, Honorable Rose Elizabeth Bird and JusticeCruz ReynosoWednesday, April 29th, 2009 T
HE FAIRMONT HOTEL - 950 MASON STREET, SAN FRANCISCO Please contact Stacie Eiras at
stacie.eiras@lawyersclubsf.org for additional event details or visit our website www.lawyersclubsf.org.
Organized by The Lawyers' Club of San FranciscoServing local attorneys and the legal community since 1946. ========================================== The Lawyers' Club of San Francisco focuses on the growth and well-being of the attorney as an individual by providing a social and professional identity for all attorneys in the San Francisco Bay Area. We offer many opportunities to develop congeniality with colleagues, present educational and professional development seminars, and have a wide variety of programs serving the community. And when you join, members also receive:- Special rates to our events and MCLE programs.- Corporate Discounts to broadway shows and sporting events via WorkingAdvantage.com - Save Up to 80% on Office Depot Products! - Save Up TO 40% on Health/Dental/Life/Long-term Care Insurance premiums! - Exclusive rates for LCSF Members for credit card processing through CellCharge. Check out our other events and programs at: LCSF website
Ticket Info: - Complimentary Sitting Judges' Tickets (RSVP by April 27, 2009), Free
- Corporate Sponsorship, $5,009.95
- Law Firm Supreme Level Sponsorship Table, $2,509.95
- Current LCSF Members, $128.12
- General Tickets, $153.75
- LCSF 2009 Membership with SCL & Law Day Event Ticket ($300 value), $205.00
- Non-Profit & Government Attorneys (on or before April 10, 2009), $102.50
- Table for 10 (on or before April 10th), $1,259.95
- Table for 10 (after April 10th, 2009), $1,509.95
Official Website: http://scl042909-upcoming.eventbrite.com