334 Santana Row, Suite 1000
San Jose, California 95128

LB Steak in Santana Row in San Jose has announced that it will be hosting the next edition of the “Chicks Dig It” speaker series on Sunday, February 26 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

The presentation is titled “Chicks Cook It” and the speaker will be Bay Area pastry chef Pauline Lam who, alongside LB Steak Executive Chef Ryan Ellison, will demonstrate culinary techniques and recipes, as well as answer cooking questions.

Guests (men and women) are invited to enjoy appetizers and unlimited house wine along with the presentation for $25.00 per person or $40.00 for two people. Advance tickets, which are recommended, can be obtained by calling (408) 244-1180 or emailing to dkeeler@lbsteak.com. Seats are limited.

Chef Lam was born in Hong Kong, grew up in the Bay Area, attended the Le Cordon Bleu in London, has worked with culinary luminaries including Sherry Yard at Spago in Beverly Hills and Thomas Keller at the Bouchon Bakery in Napa, and was the pastry chef at Wolfgang Puck's Spago in Palo Alto. She is also the founder of and pastry chef for Choux Choux Pastries.

The “Chicks Dig It” speaker series has been designed to celebrate and empower women working in a variety of food, beverage and dining related industries.

LB Steak is the South Bay’s premier modern American steak house with French flair showcasing naturally raised prime meats, line caught fish, fresh local and organically grown produce, handcrafted cocktails, and an elegant wine program.

LB Steak
334 Santana Row, Suite 1000
San Jose, California, 95128
(408) 244-1180

Added by tom.fortunepr on February 16, 2012

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