9077 W. Alameda
Lakewood, Colorado 80226

Marcus and Sheila Gillette invite you to spend an extraordinary afternoon with…THEO
This life changing event is with the spiritual medium heralded in the Abraham-Hicks publications as the inspiration for Esther Hicks to channel Abraham. Sheila Gillette and Theo were prominently featured in Esther and Jerry Hicks best-selling books “The Law of Attraction” and “Ask and it is Given.”

Your Experience Will Include:
-Teachings and Guided Meditations
-The opportunity for personal questioning
-Answers to life’s greatest mysteries and spiritual inquiries

“As the words flowed from Sheila/THEO, I felt them penetrate to the core of my being. A feeling of love flowed to me and through me like nothing I had ever felt before.”
-Esther Hicks, the channel for Abraham, from the book “Ask and it is Given”

Register at https://www.asktheo.com/dev/component/option,com_virtuemart/page,shop.browse/category_id,5/Itemid,101/

Watch Esther discuss her experience with THEO

Official Website: http://www.asktheo.com

Added by CathyP on February 19, 2009



“THEO's wisdom is direct, clear, and uplifting. Anyone who takes these teachings to heart will advance spiritually and enjoy deeper peace and enriched relationships with Spirit, self and others. I am grateful that this voice of higher truth is touching many people through the dedicated service of Sheila and Marcus.”
Alan Cohen

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