offered by Qumran Taj
Popular books like Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret" and authors such as Jerry and Esther Hicks, have brought 'The Law of Attraction' into mainstream awareness. The truth is, however, that this powerful force has ALWAYS been operative since the beginning of time and will continue to exist long after we are gone. the question is, will we take advantage of it to benefit our lives NOW?
In this class we review the basic principles behind... this "law" and answer questions about how and why it works. There are a whole variety of methods to apply this knowledge and we will cover these in detail. But this class goes a step beyond most programs to discuss why some people have trouble manifesting their goals and objectives using The Law of Attraction.
Have you tried to apply the universal laws of attraction only to find you had disappointing results? If you have ever become discouraged using the techniques found in some popular books on the market, this class is just what the doctor ordered! The system taught here at Wizards will enable you to weather setbacks and teach you how to achieve better success using this powerful law in your life.
$60 ~ includes a step-by-step companion workbook!
Official Website:
Added by Wizards on January 14, 2011