Mark your calendars!
Saturday April 18th at 2 pm we are having a latte art throwdown at the West 9th Phoenix. I am hoping that each store can have a “team” represent them, so we can have a little store vs. store rivalry. Also, we should invite baristas from other coffeeshops to come compete. I will call Dewey’s for sure, and maybe Banjoe’s. It will be free pour, so bring your own container, or use one of our cups. We will set up an extra two group espresso machine here for the throwdown, so we can continue to be open and serve customers during the jam. Please also invite customers so that we have lots of folks here to drink the lattes… FREE! Beautiful lattes!
Anyone want to call the shop on East 4th and invite them? Anyone want to do a press release?
Also, if anyone would like to be in charge of the “judging”, I could use help figuring out a quick yet effective way to figure out how to score the latte art.
Official Website:
Added by jeffschuler on April 15, 2009