Purpose of Seminar:
1. Educate UT students of Social work and other health providers about health and social welfare issues affecting the Latino Community
2.Invite community of health, social, and government service providers and other interested individuals to attend this seminar in order to provide them with continuing education opportunities as well as providing them with an opportunity for networking with other individual interested in Latino health and social issues.
3.Educate attendees about Camino Seguro West Bilingual database and the Memphis Latino Network Listserv. Invite participants who qualify to get listed in the database and or to join the listserv.
Target Audience:
Graduate levelstudents from health care fields
Providers from Health/social/government /non-profit service agencies
General publicinterested in Latino health/social issues
Political leaders andlegislators
1:00 pm - 1:10 pm Welcome - Dr. Muammer Cetingok
1:10 pm - 3:00 pm Panel Discussion: Demographics and Culture; Health Issues/Health Disparities; Education; Social Welfare Issues;Linguistically Appropriate Communication; & CommunityResources
3:00 pm-3:30 pm Round table discussions lead by panelists
3:30 pm-4:00 pm Summary Session and Wrap Up
Speakers Include:
Luisa Ramrez deLynch, PT, DPT University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Jos A. Velzquez, Ph.D.- Deputy Vice President Affiliate Member Services for NCLR
Mauricio Calvo- Executive Director of Latino Memphis and Africa Gonzlez- YWCA of Greater Memphis
Andy Duck- ESL Supervisor for the ESL program in Memphis City Schools
Marian Levy, DrPH, RD.- Director of Master of Public Health Program at theUniversity of Memphis
Espi Ralston, MA, MAT, MA, President of Tennessee Association of Medical Interpreters and Translators (TAMIT)
Audrey May, MemphisCity Library 2-1-1 LINC
Continuing Education Credits:
Continuing professional education has been applied for Social Work, Nursing, Psychology, Dietetics, and Occupational Therapy. More information will become available prior to the Seminar. For more information visit the website at www.utmem.edu/bcdd
Organized by UT College of SocialWork & Camino Seguro WestThe TN Disability Pathfinder, UT Boling Center, Memphis Public Library & Information Center, YWCA of Greater Memphis, Memphis Center for Independent Living, UT College of Allied Health Sciences Department of Physical Therapy, and Latino Memphis partnered together in 2008 and created a reliable bilingual resource database that provides disability, mental health and social services for the Hispanic community in west Tennessee. All the agencies included in this database have bilingual staff.
The College of Social Work is the only CSWE accredited program in Tennessee offering the BSSW, MSSW and Ph.D. degrees. Located in Memphis, Nashville and Knoxville, the College spans the state in its educational, research and public service initiatives.
Ticket Info: Latino Health and Social Welfare Seminar, Free
Official Website: http://latinohealthsocialwelfare-upcoming.eventbrite.com