Host: Hudson Institute. The regime of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, on the continued strength of energy prices and military ties with Russia, is continuing its push to spread radical populism throughout Latin America. The next U.S. president will face these mounting challenges from Chavez and any allies he cultivates in the region. Hudson’s Center for Latin American Studies will convene a panel to discuss developments in Latin America and what the new administration should anticipate. This event will feature:
The Economics of Populism 101, Thelmo Vargas, Former Finance Minister and Economics Professor, Costa Rica
Javier Corrales, Associate Professor of Political Science, Amherst College
David Myers, Associate Professor of Political Science, Pennsylvania State University
Jaime Daremblum (moderator), Director, Hudson Institute Center for Latin American Studies
Policy Implications for a New U.S. Administration, Carl Meecham, Senior Staff, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Nelson Cunningham, Managing Partner, McLarty Associates
Robert Pfaltzgraff (moderator), President, Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis
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Added by insideronline on October 1, 2008