Our good friends in Centro-matic have been tossing around the idea of hosting an art show in the Denton/Dallas/Fort Worth area for sometime now. We were lucky enough Will and Matt chose Good Records as the site for their event. Will will be exhibiting his baseball paintings on wood and Matt will be showcasing his photography. Will's stuff will be just for viewing but you will have the opportunity to purchase the framed prints from Matt. The Matt Pence prints on display will be the only time those particular prints will be for sale so don't miss out. Mr. Pence has a keen eye for the photographs. Will Johnson will be performing acoustic as well after he has proficiently consumed some oat sodas and finger foods that will be on hand to celebrate the opening. The next day the boys will begin recoding the next Centro-matic record so let's show them a good time and good turnout so we can get yet another great album.
You can get take a gander at a sampling of their art and photos at the following links...what you see there is not necessarily what will be on display.
Official Website: http://www.goodrecords.com
Added by GoodRecords on August 11, 2009