913 S. University Ave
University of Michigan, Michigan 48109

The Author's Forum presents “Lastingness: The Art of Old Age,” a conversation with author Nicholas Delbanco and Keith Taylor. The presentation will be followed by a book sale and signing, courtesy of Nicola's Books.

Nicholas Delbanco is the Robert Frost Distinguished University Professor of English Language and Literature at the University of Michigan and Chair of the Hopwood Committee. He has published twenty-five books of fiction and non-fiction.

Poet and writer Keith Taylor coordinates the undergraduate program in creative writing at the University of Michigan and directs the Bear River Writer's Conference.

Sponsored by the Author’s Forum, which is a collaboration between the U-M Institute for the Humanities, University Library, Great Lakes Literary Arts Center, and Ann Arbor Book Festival. Additional sponsorship for this event provided by the U-M Department of English Language and Literature, MFA Program in Creative Writing, and the Hopwood Awards Program.

Free and open to the public. Join us in the Hatcher Library Gallery, 913 S. University Ave, Ann Arbor. Public parking is available in the structure at 650 S. Forest St., just south of S. University Ave.

Added by mcmorris on February 24, 2011

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