210 Washington St.
Northfield, Minnesota 55057

JOIN US! The Northfield Public Library is sponsoring a special showing of the film! Everyone in the Northfield area is invited to the special showing at the Mueller Family Theatre in Lakeville at 9 am Saturday, December 10. The film opens December 9. The cost will be $7.25 including a ticket, popcorn and pop. It is the same price for all ages. The film is rated G. We need at least 100 people to pay and sign up by today to guarantee a theatre to ourselves. Sign-up is at the library. Transportation to and from the theatre is not included. Come join other Northfield book and film lovers for this special event!
Narnia is a magical world populated by talking animals and mythical creatures such as centaurs, dwarves and fauns. The story, published in 1950, tells of four English siblings - Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy - sent to live in an old country house to escape the London bombings during World War II. They stumble into Narnia through a walk-in wardrobe and help overthrow a tyrannical white witch, whose spells have turned innocent victims to stone and frozen the landscape in perpetual winter.

The seven-part Narnia series has enthralled generations of young readers; nearly 100 million books have been sold. Please call the library 645-6606 for more information.

Added by Kathy Ness on November 19, 2005