757 Market Street
San Francisco, California

Larkin Street Youth Services'
2011 Annual Paving the Way Gala
"Paving the Way For Our Youth, One Youth at a Time"

Special Guests
Honorable Willie L. Brown, Jr.
Nancy Bechtle

Going the Distance: The Larkin Street Youth Achievement Award
to our 2011 Award Recipients

Thursday, Marcy 10, 2011
Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco
757 Market Street

6:00pm Cocktail Reception and Silent Auction
Followed by Dinner and Live Auction

Larkin Street Youth Services is proud to present the ninth annual Paving the Way gala on March 10, 2011 at the Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco. This wonderful gala brings together Larkin Street friends and supporters to celebrate the agency's 27 years of service to San Francisco's most vulnerable youth-those who find themselves living on the street, through no fault of their own.

Last year, Paving the Way was attended by 400 donors, volunteers, past leaders (Board and staff) and high-profile community leaders and raised over $500,000 to benefit Larkin Street's housing and wraparound programs for youth ages 12-24. This elegant and inspiring evening begins with a cocktail reception and silent auction followed by a gourmet dinner, award presentation and live auction. This year's event theme is "One Youth at a Time" as we honor their courage, perseverance and accomplishments. Please join us as we help these young people pave their own way and reach their full potential.

Contact Information
For further information on the event, tickets, sponsorship opportunities, or auction items, contact Wendy Langley events@larkinstreetyouth.org or call (415) 673.0911 ext. 306

Official Website: http://www.pavingthewaygala.com

Added by FullCalendar on March 3, 2011

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