West of Great hall of the people
Beijing, Beijing

Time: 2008/4/15-2008/4/19
Venue: The National Centre for the Performing Arts-Opera House
Price: 180/280/380/480/680/880
MSN: ponypiaoen@hotmail.com
Tel: 86-10-64177845

Booking now:

For other tickets:

30 years have passed since thepremiere of the revolutionary opera "The Flower Girl" adapted from theimmortal classic "The Flower Girl." It has been staged more than 1,300times before workers, peasants, youth and students and working peoplefrom all other walks of life and foreigners and overseas compatriotsand millions of people have enjoyed it.
As it teaches the truth that the exploited and oppressed should turnout on the road of struggle and revolution in order to carve out theirdestiny, the revolutionary opera has gripped the hearts of the peoplefor its ever-increasing attraction and vitality.
The opera is based on the profound seed theory that a flower girlselling flowers out of sorrow and filial piety eventually comes out ina struggle and revolution. it raises a serious socio-political issuethat any devotion and sympathy can't save the destiny of the poorincluding the family of Kottbun in a society where exploitation andoppression prevail.
Watching the opera, the audience grasps thetruth that the people of a stateless nation and deprived of sovereigntyare more dead than alive and only when they set out on the road ofrevolution to fight can they defend the sovereignty of the nation andenjoy a genuine life as an independent people.
The opera was staged in many countries including China, Japan,France, Italy and Algeria nearly 170 times, evoking a lively responseamong foreigners.

Remarks: Tickets are available now!

Official Website: http://www.piao.com.cn/en%5Fpiao/ticket_1608.html

Added by One Night in Beijing on February 2, 2008