December 8, 2011 - January 22, 2012
"A map of Jakarta or Quito is a map of a place you can imagine walking; and a map of home shows you where you are, where you've been, and who is there with you. Mostly maps show us what we expect, but that is just a convention: you might more often need to know where the highways are than the bird migration routes, but both are equally real."
-Rebecca Solnit, "Maps of Kindness"
When Beth Loffreda, director of the University of Wyoming's writing program asked Rebecca Solnit to propose a student project to complete while in residence at the school, Solnit proposed an atlas of Laramie. The students took up the challenge, working with artist/cartographers Shizue Seigel and Ben Pease to map the narratives of this small Western town, where salons are more numerous than saloons and where a warming planet intersects with a Cold War.
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Added by FullCalendar on November 18, 2011