Infants are born with the innate capacity to learn language. They come to childcare with both that innate capacity and the indispensable social context of family and culture through which they learn to communicate both verbally and non-verbally. Caregivers can interact to enhance natural development of language and communication skills in very young children.
Los bebs nacen con la capacidad innata de aprender el lenguaje. Vienen a la guardera infantil con esa capacidad innata y el contexto social indispensable de la familia y la cultura a travs del cual aprenden a comunicarse verbalmente y no verbalmente. Los cuidadores pueden actuar de forma recproca para realzar el desarrollo natural de las habilidades para el lenguaje y la comunicacin en los nios ms pequeos. Presented by/Presentado por Jeanette Bellerive, Program for Infant, Toddler Caregivers.
Organized by Community Child Care Council of Santa Clara County, Inc.The 4C Council is thoroughly committed to coordinating and promoting the accessibility of licensed or exempt child care for all parents, children and providers in the community with a wide range of information and support services that encourage parents to seek a safe, healthy environment for child care. Please contact our Resource and Referral Department at (408) 487-0749 with any questions.
Visit us at www.4c.org
Providing Early Care and Education 4Children
Ticket Info: Workshop Registration/El Precio, $10.00
Official Website: http://languagedevelopment-upcoming.eventbrite.com