Explore some of Toronto's hidden, accidental and unintentional public spaces. At times it is easy while walking through these laneways to imagine being in smaller towns, rural landscapes or even cottage country.
The route that will be followed can be found at: http://maps.google.ca/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&q=&msa=0&msid=116477825313591200870.00043465d0fc0d566bdc6&z=14&om=1
You can select "hybrid view" and zoom in to have a closer look at the route.
Follow the picture links below to a visual image tour of the route in Flikr. Or just click on the "Event Home Page" hyperlinked URL below.
Join in a discussion of topography, built form and vegetation and how they define a sequence of intimate urban places.
Everyone welcome, $15.00 per person. Children under 15, unwaged and seniors are free.
Official Website: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sambenvie/sets/72157600578131757/
Added by sambenvie on July 2, 2007