Jl. Dr Saharjo No. 191
Jakarta, Jakarta Raya 12960


In this euphoria of democracy, problems of land increase extensively.

Multi certificates of ownership. Protest from the original owner. Unsettle purchasing of land. Feel of unfair price, Bring to court etc. Business’ players headache in facing this problem. Lots of financial and capital should be disposed in these issues.

Business must go on. The company needs the right person to handle these issues. The right person must have skill in dealing this type of issues and problems. What are essential skills should be acquired?

* Responsible Managers/Officers will understand the background and root cause of problems and the approach for solution
* Managers/Officers will realize the attitude and skill need to have in facing this problem
* Managers/Officers should prepare with essential skill for excellence solution.


Know-how on Land and Land Ownership

* Understanding land ownership
* The difference of HGB, HGU and HM
* Legal aspect of Land ownership
* Institution that has authority on Land Issues

The Purpose of having Land

* Property business, mining, farming others

Purchasing of Land

* Step to purchase
* Due diligent
* Land identification: location, history, owner


* In the city, rural area, forest, sea-side etc


* The history of targeted land

Land Owner

* Corporate, Company, Government, Private, Individual or Adat

Land release and Compensation

* Value estimation and appraisal of land, plan, and building
* Compensation and approach


* Who should attend at Court?
* How are we attending Court?

Essential Skill set and How to develop.

Exposure and Explore Essential Skills: Negotiation Skill, Communication Skill, Assertive and self confident, and Crisis Management

— Negotiation Skill

* Preparation, Process of negotiation, closing negotiation, and post negotiation:
* Preparing documents
* Strategy of negotiation
* Cost of negotiation
* Board of Director’s approval
* Manage the negotiation table
* Pressure group
* Do we have to face the owner by our-self?
* Do we need help?
* Who are the right party to help us?

— Communication Skill

* Understanding target party/audience
* Community, Government Authority, NGO, Media
* Communication materials
* Our attitude

— Community Attitude

* Understanding Community
* The Informal Leader
* How to win community relationship

— Assertiveness

* When to say no
* When to say yes
* Well prepare with internal and external information
* When to contact BOSS

— Crisis and Contingency Plan

* Potential crisis identification
* Developing Crisis/Demonstration’s guideline and mitigation plan
* Alert on Demonstration in front of Plant’s gate
* Security and contingency plan
* Team and preparation in facing demo
* Regular report to Head Office and Representative Offices


Managers and Officers that responsible on Land issues; General Affair person.

Official Website: http://www.focustraco.com/index.php/tm-training-schedule/details/163-999007

Added by training.focus on March 19, 2009

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