Witte de Withstraat 29-31
Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland 3012 BL

Showroom MAMA has invited Baschz as a guest curator to set up an exhibition about himself and his creative network. And that’s gonna be ill: many styles and many new works.

Baschz’ name is best known for his work in the streets and the omnidisciplinary intervention force Betamaxxx, founded by Crackrock and himself. Both solo and with Betamaxxx he exhibited, among other places, in Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam (Arti et Amicitae, Kunstvlaai) and homestead Eindhoven (Mu). You can find his street work in cities like New York, Bangkok and Johannesburg. Nowadays he combines solo projects with working in Tictoc, a Rotterdam collective of artists and deejays.
Baschz does a lot: St. Retard, sketching, painting, internet, shirts, goodies, ladynipples. Indoors, outdoors, everywhere. His work is inspired by mass culture and its language; i.e. he produces autonomous handmade mass products, embracing industry and commerce and giving it the finger at the same time.

Lamball Bakra
The exhibition Lamball Bakra is all about plans never carried out, sketches, practices, pacts and pipe dreaming: works and ideas that somehow have never left the lab. And are therefore purer and more honest than the works you do get to see. Unpolished, no compromises, just the original idea and the fun in it. Lamball Bakra is the once in a lifetime opportunity to see what the world’s been missing.
The title Lamball Bakra refers to the idea that unfinished plans are a matter of laziness. Wrong! Lack of time or money and perfectionism are at least as important thresholds.
Lamball Bakra is not only an exhibition, but a process as well: during 2 months one can watch Baschz further developing the concept and the works. And during 2 months Baschz is looking for interaction with his public, to sharpen his ideas and to get a better understanding of his own work.

Baschz has invited some of his closest friends and creatieve compadres to join the exhibition:

Rob Looman
17th century masterskills meet Rien Poortvliet's mother-in-law. Rob will be showing his waytoonice sketches and finger exercises: ‘Actually my plan is to create veracity out of planlessness, trying to make fantasies so realistic they make you dream on. While ‘finished’ paintings are about the overall look, atmosphere and mystics, when it comes to sketching humor and skills are my main motivation.’

Cosmic Crack and the PowerBlast Movement
Cosmic scientist and concept profiler alll-in. Hollands most distinguished botanical artist in the well known cosmic genre.
From his early work to his later work with Betamaxxx, Cosmic Crack carries his fascination with the unique and unusual into a wide range of multi-media artworks, including various installations, as well as design of concepts that are unsurpassed for their innovation and theoretical intergallactical flair.
http://www.fotolog.com/freebase911 & http://www.betamaxxx.com

Auke Touwslager, together with Ursula Lavrencic
Crossmedial revealer of network structures and new links. Auke Touwslager is a fair-weather designer, mostly working on research and development of things like internet mapping, convergence of information&architecture and offering new perspectives that cross borders between various creative disciplines. Together with Ursula he’ll finally elaborate one of many ideas they and Baschz came up with years ago.
http://www.informationlab.org & http://www.megla.org

Michiel Jansen
Performance artist, working with drawings, video and 3D, focussing on the human form. Michiel Jansen usually treats the space he works in as a starting point, focussing on the roles people play in that particular space. This time he reverses his approach: making the space his work instead of a starting point. Plus, for the first time he and Baschz are gonna join forces. Michiel and Baschz are neighbours, friends and both Tictocian, but never did a piece together before. Like Lee Towers would say: this is the moment.

Tictoc is Baschz’s current crew: a collective of artists and deejays. Tictoc works with as many media and as many people as possible to fulfill their important mission: goodvibes. They mostly do so in parties slash exhibitions: ‘our core business is rockin spots’. This time they´re gonna put all those media, people and goodvibes in one object. Plus the Tictoc deejays will be spinning in the showroom during the opening and every Sunday afternoon.

Sunday afternoon: Summertime Hangout plus Infant Art
This summer Showroom MAMA will be a hangout for art watchers and people with a hangover and/or children, (almost) every sunday afternoon. Baschz will be showing new work, Tictoc and others will be spinning records and there will be a terrace whenever the wheather allows us. Plus we bring them extraspecial thingalings:
The Lamball-Bakra-Approved Coffee Bar, campingsteez but tasty like a bear, by Frank Djasian;
Infant Art: Baschz lets (your?) children paint on his work and gives steam courses in Street Vandalism.
There will be an extraspecial hangout every Sunday, 13-18 hrs.
Infant Art will take place on Sunday afternoons, 14-17 hrs: july 23rd and 30th, august 13th and 20th, september 3rd, 10th and 17th.

Dirty Details
Lamball Bakra opens on friday july 21st, 1900 hrs, and lasts until september 17th. Showroom MAMA is open wednesday to sunday 1300-1800 hrs.
Whenever the showroom is open, there’s an open stage for deejays and fugazis, just for vinyl though.

For questions, interviews and images:
on behalf of Showroom Mama: Petra Berrevoets, petra@showroommama.nl, +3110 233 1313.
on behalf of Baschz: Janjoost Jullens, julstar@tictoc.nl, +316 1422 4322.

Official Website: http://www.mamamedia.nl/projects/lamballbakra.cfm

Added by informationlab on July 6, 2006

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