1051 7th St
Muskegon, Michigan 49442

Join in on America’s favorite and original walking event! Raise money and walk to support healthy babies along Michigan’s lakeshore by Heritage Landing’s stage on Saturday, May 7.

Lakeshore March for Babies is an event for the entire family. The five mile route is full of beautiful scenery and there will be refreshments along the way. The dog can come along too, as long as it’s licensed and leashed. After the walk is over, there will be a celebration for all, complete with lunch.

Registration begins at 8:30, followed by the opening ceremonies and the ribbon cutting at 9:00.

Register online at marchforbabies.org to start raising money to save babies today.

Questions? Email eventsforbabies@gmail.com or call the March of Dimes West Michigan office at (616) 247-6861

Official Website: http://www.marchforbabies.org

Added by modimes_migrandrapids on February 12, 2010