Lajja Tane Mara Sam - Play. Writer: Manish Maheta. Director: Homi Vadia. Cast: Homi Vadia, Ami Trivedi, Rahul Antani, Manisha Vora, Parth Desai, Hetal Dedhia, Pramod Selar, Bhakti Rathod & Niraj Jad. Lajja Tane Mara Sam has been revived after 10 years. Its back with an all new cast. The story is about the Jhaveri family, led by a very strict and disciplinarian father. He has two sons and a daughter. The eldest son is married and is employed in his fathers own business as an accountant. The younger son is a typical college dude rebel and the daughter is so scared of the father that she stammers. Everyone misses the mother. The children are forbidden to do anything of their interest and so feel imprisoned. Then, comes a day when the daughter-in-law announces the arrival of a baby in the family and everyone is overjoyed but at the same time they also express their concern for her and agree that they need to engage the services of a maid to look after the mom-to-be. But who is going to bell the cat. Somehow they are able to convince the father who grants them the permission. In comes the maid who takes the house by storm with her witty answers and everyone falls in love with her caring and jovial nature. One fine morning both the maid and the master come face to face and the master is shocked to see the lady standing in front of him.
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Added by buzzintown india on July 31, 2009