5000 MacAthur Blvd.
Oakland, California 94613

Lærke Lauta is a Danish artist whose video installations have grown more lyrical and more technologically complex over time. “Floating Female” is a new five-channel project that maps internal and external states of consciousness. Lauta’s video installations draw from a northern European tradition that ascribes romantic, spiritual, and enigmatic qualities to the natural landscape. Lauta’s works are characterized by an undertone of unresolved suspense, the latent fear of a fatal event that is not directly revealed. The artist’s camera does not present a decisive moment but functions instead as an instrument of premonition and doubt. Austere light, a lush palette, and evocative sound combine in Lauta’s work to create liminal spaces that linger in memory.

“Lærke Lauta: Floating Female” is organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego and curated by Dr. Robin Clark, curator, MCASD. The Mills College presentation has been supported by the Agnes Cowles Bourne Fund for Special Exhibitions.

The Mills College Art Museum is located at 5000 MacArthur Boulevard, Oakland, CA 94613. Museum hours are Tuesday-Sunday 11:00–4:00 pm and Wednesday 11:00–7:30 pm. Admission is free for all exhibitions and programs unless noted. The "Lærke Lauta: Floating Female” installation will be at the Mills College Art Museum from January 19th 2011 until March 13th 2011. For more information, visit: http://mcam.mills.edu

Added by Mills College Art Museum on December 31, 2010