1529 16th Street NW
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia 20036

The Washington DCJCC Screening Room presents
Screening, discussion and reception at the Washington DCJCC, 1529 16th Street NW
Tuesday, March 31, 7:30 pm
A young woman changes her name as part of her attempt to be the first Druze woman to enter the world of Israeli fashion. But the tradition and values of her society ultimately clash with her brave efforts to choose her own way in life. From the glamorous world of beauty pageants and fashion, the film becomes the moving story of a family caught between cultures and a touching portrait of a young woman fighting for her dream. Film preceeded by discussion of "Israeli Identity: Other Faces on Film" with excerpts from new Israeli films. Presented by special guest Ruth Diskin, film curator and one of Israel's leading film distributors. Reception follows screening program.
Co-sponsored by the Embassy of Israel
Tickets (including reception) $12, discounted member/student/senior $10.
Visit washingtondcjcc.org/film to purchase tickets or call (202) 777-3250

Official Website: http://thejdc.convio.net/site/Calendar/1154709349?view=Detail&id=108481

Added by MCRosenthal on March 26, 2009

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