Come Join the fun! Crossville has several things going on to have fun. Cruise-in Car show starts at 3:00 The Crossville Depot is set up for the Ladies to enjoy with several set-ups just for women starts at 1:00. Lots of Vendors, Crafts, Classic Cars,Food,and Fun!!
Official Website:
Added by ladiesdayatthedepot on May 24, 2009
Elizabeth Schafer, local Avon Independent Sales Represtative, will have many Avon Products available to try and for sale. Also, anyone that is interested in starting their own Avon business, may do so during the cruise-in. Look for the Avon booth in front of the court house.
Noahs Ark Workshop Sparta
Mojo Monkey from Noah's Ark Animal Workshop will be attending the Cruise-In. Come out and meet our good friend.