6200 Quarry Lane
Independence, Ohio 44131

National Instruments LabVIEW

LabVIEW Developer Education Day

National Instruments LabVIEW Developer Education Day offers sessions of training on advanced topics to help you improve your product skills, knowledge, and productivity and stay up-to-date on NI software and hardware products.

At this FREE, full-day event go beyond the basics and take your skills to the next level - network with local colleagues and engineers, and learn from in-depth topic presentations, product demonstrations and user group sessions led by technical engineers. Increase your expertise by learning new skills such as managing your test data and developing efficient LabVIEW applications, and discover the latest innovations in NI LabVIEW, LabVIEW Real-Time, and data acquisition products.



* Increase your expertise through in-depth, advanced sessions
* Discuss best practices for engineering LabVIEW applications with technical staff
* Learn about distributed applications from NI Field Engineers
* Take the Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) Free of Charge
* Attendees will receive a $200 voucher for NI training and certification



LabVIEW Design Patterns
Design patterns are established architectures for LabVIEW code. You can speed development and make your code easier to read by using design patters in your application

Build plug-in architectures and custom user interfaces with VI Server
Learn how to create plug-in architectures and adaptable user interfaces with VI Server functions. Examine the advantages of using VI references over basic structures to create custom applications from a single code base.

Advanced LabVIEW Programming Concepts for Multicore Systems
Learn how and when to apply parallel programming techniques including task parallelism, data parallelism, pipelining and re-entrancy to take advantage of multicore systems. In addition, explore different code architectures and design patters that are appropriate for multicore systems.


Advanced Topics

Managing application development with the LabVIEW Project
Learn how you can use the LabVIEW project to manage your applications as an individual programmer or in a team environment. Explore best practices for organizing your files on disk, including the pros and cons of using virtual and auto-populating folders.
Improving the Performance of your LabVIEW Applications
Learn how to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks in your LabVIEW applications. With built in tools and the VI Profiler you can monitor memory usage and execution time of your VIs to identify parts of your code that worsen your applications performance.

LabVIEW Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Introductory Concepts, Use Cases and Best Practices
LabVIEW OOP introduces new concepts that are a departure from traditional LabVIEW dataflow programming, as well as a unique approach to object-orientation compared to traditional text based OOP languages.

Official Website: http://sine.ni.com/apps/utf8/nievn.ni?action=display_offerings_by_event&event_id=32519&site=NIC&state=OH&node=61110&l=US

Added by jeffschuler on April 17, 2008

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