Feb 23 Labor Film Series: "Bread and Roses" 7pm
is set around the early 1990s Justice for Janitors strike which saw an army of exploited cleaners - the invisible Latino immigrants - take to the streets to protest for basic workers' rights. The film stars Pilar Padilla and Elpidia Carrillo as the two sisters involved in the struggle and Adrien Brody as a union activist who leads the campaign against their employers.
What: Film Presenation: Bread and Roses, starring Pilar Padilla and Adrien Brody
When: Feb 23rd at 7pm
Where: End of the Line Cafe, 610 East Wright Street (429-0336)
This event is free and open to the public
Sponsored by the Pensacola Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World
For more information, please contact iwwpensacola@yahoo.com or go to www.iww.org
visit the Pensacola GMB of the Industrial Workers of the World at www.angelfire.com/fl5/iww
Added by Brent on February 9, 2005