Aug 31st - Sept 3, 2:00 pm (start) - 2:30 (end)
Do something good for your "inner child" this LABOR DAY WEEKEND. Both big AND small people are welcome in our private riverfront "summer camp" on the Stanislaus River, just 2 hours from the Bay in Oakdale, CA!
Forget the dust! Pitch your tent on velvet lawns beneath tall shady oaks, in a magical botanical art garden, where everywhere you look, it's GREEN GREEN GREEN ...
Add music, dancing, yoga, arts & crafts, fun interactive playshops, gentle rafting, gourmet organic meals, and water water everywhere, for a kinder, gentler, greener alternative to BM & BRC ;-)
Confirmed offerings include ~* ~*
* Ecstatic Dances w/ Dean Halpern (aka DJ Pangea)
* Sweat Your Prayers w/ Claire Alexander
* Yoga w/ Sienna Smith ~ owner, Yoga Mountain in Fairfax
* Contact Improv w/ Aaron Jessup
* Clarity Breathwork w/ Dana DharmaDevi & Ashanna Solaris
* Blissology Playshop w/ Happy Oasis
* Exquisite organic meals, from Isa Jacoby & David Barnard
* More TBA!
On the heels of 2 amazing retreats there this summer, the word is out! THIS ONE WILL FILL QUICKLY ...
Registration begins on 7/30. With tiered pricing, the earliest birds get the best discounts ... So do not delay!
All-inclusive cost: $365 (1st 30 spots); $380 (next 30 spots); $395 (remaining thru 8/24); $425 (after 8/24). Kids $265 (ages 7-12).
Work exchange discounts, and kids camp for ages 7-12.
Slideshow, video, registration info & full details at
See you in the flow ~* ~* ~*
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on August 16, 2012