125 E Mellen St
Hampton, Virginia 23663

The 1960s was a decade of heroes, violence, love, death, progress and disappointment. What began as a decade of hope with the election of John F. Kennedy ended with America embroiled in an impossible war, her streets filled with riots, and the history-changing loss of three important figures. It is a decade often studied, debated, celebrated and mourned even a half a century later. And now, as those who lived, governed and shepherded change during the 60s are passing, L.A. Theatre Works presents a major new docudrama focused on Robert F. Kennedys personal and political journey. His amazing story provides a compelling and dramatic illumination of this crucial decade, enabling a new generation to hear the words, feel the tension and explore the issues that still resonate today.

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 7, 2010