“LA Street Scenes: A Boy’s Life/A Girl’s Life” is a powerful, moving experience that depicts the true moments in the lives of four teens: two boys who meet in a detention camp and two girls living in a group home. Based on actual events, the script was adapted from original stories written by the young men and women who lived them.
As part of Create Now’s “LA Street Scenes”, the young playwrights see their words take shape on stage and come alive as they are performed by professional actors in front of a theatre audience.
Friday, November 16 at 6:30 p.m.*
Saturday, November 17 at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, November 18 at 6:30 p.m.
* A special opening night VIP reception, hosted by Debra Wilson Skelton, will take place on Friday, November 16 and includes a silent auction and meet and greet with the cast.
Ticket Prices:
Friday - $125 VIP reception
Sat/Sun - $35 general admission, $50 preferred seating
Official Website: http://www.createnow.org
Added by Create Now on October 22, 2007