2525 Michigan Ave
Santa Monica, California 90404

Sometimes it seems like the members of ACM SIGGRAPH (Get ready for a long acronym: Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics) don't know about the local Maker culture in Los Angeles and I'm not sure how much the local Makers around Los Angeles know about SIGGRAPH. As the Chair of the local Los Angeles chapter of ACM SIGGRAPH I'd like to bridge the gap and extend and invitation to interested folks to come on down to Santa Monica and participate in a sort of science fair social hour and maker night that I'm hosting at Bergamot Station on Tuesday, June 10th. If you've got a home brew electronics/robotics/whirring/buzzing/blinking/tactile art project/plaything you'd like to share then get in touch with me via makers@agentxray.com to reserve a space. Participants get free admission and we'll feed you.
We've got an exciting evening planned. Boing Boing's own Mark Frauenfelder is giving a talk on "The Rise and Fall and Ride of Modern Making" and we're featuring a circuit bending performance by Jeff Boyton who's going to create an immersive audio environment honed from his hand crafted electronic instruments built from leftover consumer electronic detritus.

Space-Time Coordinates to follow:

LA SIGGRAPH presents "Maker Night"

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008
5:30 pm - Makers Load In and Set up
6:30-7:30pm - Social Hour Science Fair
7:30-10:30pm - Presentation

The Writers Boot Camp at Bergamot Station
2525 Michigan Ave., Bldg #1
Santa Monica, CA, 90404

Contact: makers@agentxray.com

Added by dewelch on May 22, 2008