LA-Lit: Bay Poetics + a Salon
Saturday, December 2 at 1pm
At Betalevel ( (Directions Below)
We’d like to invite you to a live radio recording, reading & conversation this coming Saturday December 2 at 1pm at Betalevel in Chinatown. Writers Del Ray Cross, Susan Gevirtz, Suzanne Stein, Stephanie Young and Magdalena Zurawski (whose work appears in the new anthology Bay Poetics edited by Stephanie Young) will be our guests on LA-lit, a radio show co-curated by Mathew Timmons & Stephanie Rioux. The show (& hence the recording) lasts a little over an hour and will be about 30 minutes of reading & about 30 minutes of questions & answers/further questions – alternating between the two modes in hopes of creating a space for dynamic conversation.
After the recording of LA-Lit, please join us for an informal Salon with our guests until 6pm. This will offer you a chance to chat with Bay Poets, there will probably be more readings and other general merriment. Also, please feel free to bring snacks andor drinks.
Del Ray Cross edits SHAMPOO a sudsy online literary magazine, and thrives in San Francisco. He has a chapbook and a half available from Pressed Wafer (including Cinema Yosemite) and a couple postcard books from Poetry Espresso (with Stephanie Young and Cassie Lewis).
Susan Gevirtz was an associate editor of HOW(ever) a journal of modernist/innovative directions in women's poetry and scholarship, on the editorial advisory board of the journal Avec, and the online journal HOW2. Her books include Hourglass Transcripts, Burning Deck, 2001, Spelt, collaboration with Myung Mi Kim, a+bend press, 1999; Black Box Cutaway, Kelsey Street Press, 1999; Narrative's Journey: The Fiction and Film Writing of Dorothy Richardson, Peter Lang, 1996; PROSTHESIS : : CAESAREA, Potes and Poets, 1994; Taken Place, Reality Street, 1993; Linen minus, Avenue B, 1992; and Domino: point of entry, Leave Books, 1992.
Suzanne Stein’s works have appeared in the publications Mirage #4/Period[ical], Commonweal, Small Town, The Bay Area Poetry Anthology, and at the venues Refusalon Gallery, the San Francisco Exploratorium, the Berkeley Art Center, Outpost for Contemporary Art, and elsewhere. She is the former co-director and film curator of four walls gallery, San Francisco.
Stephanie Young lives in Oakland and works at Mills College, but she's also a resident of the internet, and you can find her there at The Well Nourished Moon ( She is a board member at Small Press Traffic, San Francisco's 30-year-old literary arts center. She also hosted a popular series of poetry readings at her house in Oakland for several years, and is the editor of BAY POETICS, an anthology out from Faux Press. Her writing has been published in Pettycoat Relaxer, Five Fingers Review, VeRT, Shampoo, Mirage Period(ical), Cypress Magazine, LIT, can we have our ball back? and Combo.
Magdalena Zurawski is currently working on a novel called The Bruise and she keeps a blog at Minor Americans ( She says of herself "I was born in Newark NJ and grew up in Edison NJ but Providence RI feels like my hometown more than any place else because that's where I started having sex and meeting poets and being a real person in a real world. My major poetic influences are Jack Spicer, Bruce Springsteen and Immanuel Kant (but only the 3rd critique). Early Bruce Springsteen albums make me happier than anything on earth (well, as happy as really really good poetry readings).
LA-Lit interviews poets and writers in the Los Angeles area. Reflecting the shifting nature of Los Angeles as a place, this may mean writers that have lived in LA all their lives or writers who happen to be in LA for a few days. LA-Lit is a place for the literary culture of Los Angeles to develop and exhibit itself. Co-hosted and co-produced by Stephanie Rioux and Mathew Timmons, LA-Lit is sponsored by Superbunker ( and recorded at Betalevel ( You can subscribe to the LA-Lit podcast by visiting our website ( and dragging the Subscribe link from the sidebar to your podcast folder in iTunes, or download past shows by visiting the writer’s page on the website.
Ideally we will have an audience made up of people who are inclined to jot down a thought, query, doubt, or other incitement. During the second half of the show the floor will be opened for questions from the audience.
Please note the time change from our normal schedule: doors open at 12:45 p.m. and the reading/recording will begin by 1:15 p.m. – please do your best not to arrive late, so as to minimize the sounds of shuffling & stair-creaking while the show is being recorded.
Feel free to forward this invitation on to your friends and neighbors. For more information, visit
We will be delighted to see you there,
Mathew Timmons & Stephanie Rioux
Directions to Betalevel:
1. Find yourself in front of “FULL HOUSE RESTAURANT” located at 963 N. Hill Street in Chinatown.
2. Locate the alley on the left hand side of Full House.
3. Walk about 20 feet down the alley (away from the street).
4. Stop.
5. Notice dumpster on your right hand side.
6. Take a right and continue down the alley.
7. Exercise caution so as not trip on the wobbly cement blocks underfoot
8. The entrance to Betalevel is located 10 yards down on left side, behind a red door, down a black staircase.
Official Website:
Added by anathemata on November 26, 2006